Английски език - национално външно оценяване

Тестът съдържа въпросите от Националното външно оценяване, проведено през 2010г. в 5. клас. Не са включени упражненията за слушане с разбиране.

Информация и рейтинг

Дата: 2021-06-29 18:09:46
Предмет: Английски език
Предназначен за: Ученици от 5 клас
Въпроси: 17 въпр.

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Въпросите, които ще видиш в теста:

  1. Read the following text and circle the correct answer for questions 1 to 8.


    Dear Annie,

    I can’t wait to tell you the news! Mum and I arrived here in Bulgaria
    yesterday afternoon. Our plane was a little late because it was
    snowing and the weather was awful. A bus was waiting at the airport
    and it took us to the hotel in the mountains. This is a beautiful small
    hotel. Our room is large and very warm. When I look out of the
    window, I can see the great white mountains all around us.
    This morning we went skiing. It was fantastic! Some people went
    higher up the mountains but I didn’t because I am not very good at
    skiing. You can ski all day but I got very tired and came back to the
    hotel about 3:00.
    The food at the hotel is wonderful. Last night we had some
    traditional Bulgarian dishes. I really liked the banitsa.
    I met some nice people yesterday. They are a little older than me.
    Some of them are very good skiers. Tomorrow we are going to the
    nearby town. First, we are going shopping. Then we are going to eat
    at a special Bulgarian restaurant and finally, we are going to a
    concert. Two famous Bulgarian drummers are going to perform.
    I am having a wonderful time here. Bye for now.


    The plane was late because ........... .

  2. Nelly got to the hotel .............. .

  3. Nelly didn’t go higher up in the mountain to ski because ....... .

  4. The girl .............. the food at the hotel last night.

  5. Nelly is ........... .

  6. Nelly is going to the nearby town .............. .

  7. In the nearby town, Nelly is going first to the ............ .

  8. Nelly thinks that her holiday is ........... .

  9. ‘Are you from Madrid?’ ‘Yes, ........... .

  10. When ........... their homework?